slyvia creates a figure image of her father, using so many different metaphors to describe the relationship between them.he’s like a black shoe shes had to live in , like a statue that streches across the united states when the reader reads this qoute you could automatically presume that she thinks very highly of her father as you could compare the statue to the statue of liberty which is highly respected in the US however sylvia creates the image of her father as a giant evil nazi and then se creates the image of her as a jew and a victim, from this quote the reader can gather sylvia thinks very low of her father you know this because when you think of nazis words such as ‘controlling,evil,mischievious’ come to mindthis is due to the historical facts of world war 2 also as she describes herself as a jew one could gather that she thought very low of herself as jews were powerless in comparison to the nazis. sylvia shows so much emotions within this poem which keeps you intrested and intrigued. the emotions she shows are sad and as if she is worthless for example ‘thirty years, poor and white, barely daring to breathe’ also ‘ i have always been scared of you, with your luftwaffe,your gobbledygoo.
sylvia plath-emotions
One response to “sylvia plath-emotions”
This makes a sound first attempt at understanding the content of Sylvia Plath’s poem. Our work tomorrow will involve exploring how this relates to the way Katharina talks in The Taming of the Shrew and how this is important in terms of the expression of emotion.
Well done on preparing yourself properly for your work in class.